Win Update Stop was developed at the begin of 2018 by NoVirusThanks, a small cybersecurity
company based in Italy. We created Win Update Stop to allow users to disable Windows Updates and re-enable them when needed, so users can decide when check for Windows Updates. In two years Win Update Stop was downloaded 15+ million times, that drastically exceeded our initial expectations. In 2021 we decided to make the product commercial so we can keep the product digitally signed, up-to-date, and add new functionalities,
such as the option to keep Windows Defender up-to-date or to manage the program remotely (requested by Managed Security Service Providers). We also decided to move the application to its
own website to give more importance to the product.
Here is a video where we show how easy it is to permanently disable Windows Updates with our application, and how easy it is to re-enable automatic Windows Updates when you choose to. Take control of Windows Updates and choose when they should run.
Don't forget that you can try Win Update Stop application for 30-days
(no credit card is required). Just download and install the software on your computer,
you can use it and test it for 1 entire month.
Have questions? Don't hesitate to contact us directly via email.
If you don't receive a reply in one or two business days, please re-send the message.
Here is our email (it is an image to prevent spam):